رسالة من ابن سحماتا شحادة موسى
Dear friends,
I was pleased and somehow proud on reading "The Stones of Suhmata", mostly because I was a young classmate of Wajih at the elementary school of Suhmata before 1948. What Wajih did for what remains of Suhmata is an incarnation of a true nationalist person. Suffice to mention that he together with some members of his relatives(christians) paid tremendous efforts to preserve the cemetery(of muslems) of the village. I intentially refer to this to tell the new generation of our village Suhmata, that we did not, and you should not, experience the hateful sectarian language and attitudes we hear about nowadays in Arab countries. The struggle for the return to the village and the country whence we came should be the only and utmost goal of every palestinian whenever and wherever he is. I take this opportunity to praise Wajih Semaan for his sincere activities to serve our mother village and its people, and wish all the suhmatans a happy Eid. Shehadeh Musa include ('facebookshare.php'); ?> |
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