Suhmata: The Play, the Project, and the Tragedy

Play by: Hanna Eady, Edward Mast

Directed by: Hanna Eady

Cast: Loutuf Nuwayser, Mayserah Messri

Lighting & Set Design: Fouad Awad

-   A Scene from the Suhmata Play
-   Suhmata is based on...
-   The Plot
-   Director's note
-   Suhmata by Edward Mast
-   Village's tale of oppression strikes unviresal chord

Suhmata is the sole property of the authors and is fully protected by copyright. All rights, including professional, amateur, motion picture, recitation, lecturing, public reading, radio broadcasting and the right of translating into foreign languages, are strictly reserved. All inquiries should be addressed to the author Hanna Eady, 7770 Westerly Lane, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110.
Suhmata. Copyright 1995, 1996 by Hanna Eady and Ed Mast. All rights reserved. No parts of this play may be produced without written permission.

For information contact Hanna Eady
7770 Westerly Lane
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
(Cellular) 206 612-7317

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